S3E119 - The End

You find yourself in an ancient tomb, below a pyramid that has recently risen from its sandy grave. On one side of the tomb are priests from the Temple of Bastet, and beside them are factotums from the Pallid Court, slinking in the shadowy corners is a freshly arrived demon with its minions, and centre court to this cacophony is the immobile form of a titan and you. Are you ready to find out how all of this ends?
Embers from a Chimney II is a Crimson Nib podcast that will journey with 4 wayward adventurers into the heart of the Southlands; a land of mystery and adventure, where riches and dangers await those brave enough to cross the wild expanses.
The campaign setting is Southlands from Kobold Press. We are using the D&D 5E ruleset, and we game using the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
I am Dagobah and this is a Crimson Nib podcast, you can follow me here or on twitter @crimsonnib, or at facebook.com/crimsonnib.
If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard, please rate and review me on google podcasts, itunes, or wherever you get your podcasts.
VTT - Fantasy Grounds (http://www.fantasygrounds.com) Campaign Settings - Southlands (https://koboldpress.com/tag/southlands/)