Crimson Nib

e40 This is Kinda Like Typhoid Mary

Embers from a Chimney

5 years ago

Hello good people of the interwebs,

This is our last episode for 2018, and let me say that it’s been a blast creating these podcasts! Sitting down with Mick each Saturday, for coffee and chatter about our campaign ... but damn I do enjoy these conversations and I really hope that you have as well!

So join Mick and I as we wrap up our conversation from last week. The Grey Company part ways to explore; a little free time before needing to meet with the Pallid Court later that evening. What does a Paladin feel or sense when praying? When the party splits and you need time to plot and think ... scene cut! How crazy can you get with creative descriptions for really crappy skill check rolls? Where does Typhoid Mary and the Ebola come into Embers from a Chimney? Do you wanna know more?

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